That's not to say there weren't some great games my beloved WRPGs were in a strong place and consistently delivered bangers throughout(this was the saving grace of the gen). Bioshock, a bad immersive sim and highly overrated game, coming to all but define(temporarily kill) the genre amongst media and general audiences.Online Passes + anti-used game practices becoming standard.
RRODs, which happened to me several times and sucked a lot of the air out of the hobby.On a related note, Survival Horror becoming Survival Non-Stop Action and almost tanking Resident Evil for good.A metric crapton of dumb downed, set-piece heavy 1st & 3rd person shooters filled with meathead themes (aka the Bro Shooter Era).Music + instrument bullshit all over the place.Waggle & motion bullshit all over the place.Japanese games industry on life-support which showed in the output.If anything, I celebrate each day we get further from that dumpster fire of a generation.